I missed out on last Sunday's Pinspiration (sorry about that) so today's share is likely to be packed double full of goodies. So, without further ado, go grab your hot beverage of choice and settle in for the weekly dose of photo love.
* listening - Let Her Go by Passenger
* reading - Papercraft Inspirations, August issue
* eating - leftover crayfish party food
* drinking - water
* wearing - PJs
* weather - overcast & windy, 19C
* feeling - lazy
* wanting - my new 2Peas order to arrive
* needing - to stop eating crap and get back into a healthy kick
* thinking - about starting the new academic year with my class tomorrow
* loving - having spent time with close friends last night
* enjoying - not having to be anywhere today
On to the pins...
This quilt really caught my eye; I love everything about it from the geometric design to the choice of fabrics. I would probably personally skip the little appliqué camper vans but I love their quirky retro style, if I were to include them.
The pie chart trend is still going strong and I really liked the originality of this idea, using both patterned papers, photos and journaling spots to construct a circular chart. And hey, you can't argue the awesome choice of country featured. :P
I liked this twist on the quadrant design concept. I have to admit, I've never really done a quadrant LO before, perhaps because they can often feel very boxy but I really like this alternative and the use of layering helps to break up that stiff, boxy feel. I think I'm going to have to give this one a go soon.
Another circular design. I really like the delicate effect of the stitching; lightly anchoring the focus but still retained a softness with all the white space. And the journaling around the circle is just perfect, along with the tall, skinny title and the three asterisks spaced out.
This is just such a cute idea - simple but elegant and such versatile possibilities. I'm thinking it will be perfect for a new home card for a friend.
This seems so obvious, I'm ashamed I didn't think of it myself. I recently bought a package of natural wood mini clothes pegs and thought to myself, "I'll just paint them if I want them coloured." but this is a far better idea. I'm thinking, drop the little guys in a bottle of spray mist, leave until desired colour, remove to dry - done! And no worrying about the metal hinge getting painted.

So the Maggie Holmes mini bows have been super popular this year so when I cleaned up my ribbon supply, I decided I would have a go at making some DIY versions using this fork technique and yes, it really does work and is ridiculously quick and easy! You will need to use a fork with 4 tines and the width of your fork will determine the width of the bow (so if you want really tiny ones, using a skinny fork, etc.). I found the type of ribbon really affects the overall look of the finished bow. My organza bows turned out the the nicest while the stiffness of grosgrain ribbons didn't work nearly as well. Standard satin ribbons looked nice, too.
Here's another fun map idea provided by Google. You enter your return address information and the destination address into the generator and Google produces a map with the route between the two locations marked out, which you can then print and fold into a custom envelope. I'm such a geek.
OMG, I just stumbled across this idea today on the 2Peas forums and I think I'm hooked before even doing anything. I'm linking you to Maria Tiara's video tutorial for how to put these QR codes into your scrappy creations. I can already say that I'm going to work this into a mini album I plan to make for my friend's birthday - we holidayed together in Barcelona earlier this year and she took a number of videos there and it will blow her mind to find them linked into her album. And can you imagine pairing this idea with your annual Christmas cards? Amazeballs!
Colour Field
Here's a little colour palette inspiration for you. You know I love all things orange but also, the photo is just *gorgeous*!

This is another awesome book community idea (I actually think I might have stumbled across this site several years ago). The basic idea is to share books freely with others in your community and around the world, with the added bonus of (possibly) tracking the books' journeys. Here's how it works: you take a book you have and don't plan to keep for yourself, create an ID code from the site's generator and adhere it to the book, then either give it to someone in person or do what's termed a 'wild release' - just leave the book anywhere (in a mall, park bench, museum, playground, community centre - anywhere there are people). Someone hopefully finds/picks up the book and takes it home to read and enjoy. Better still, they hopefully notice the ID sticker inside, check out the website and choose to record that they've found the book and where it was found and may continue to send it on its way when they're done with it. Or not - you never know, but that's also some of the fun and challenge of it. I have a small collection of books ready for wild release starting later this month and I'm geeked to give it a whirl. Won't you join and try, too?